Unique Self Institute

See who’s recommending Your Unique Self or Marc Gafni’s Work

Many prominent scholars, luminaries, and spiritual teachers have already read Your Unique Self and offered their perspectives.

Deepak Chopra

Author and alternative medicine advocate

“Marc is a very inspiring and talented transformational teacher.”

Michael Murphy

Michael Murphy

co-founder of Esalen Institute and author of The Future of the Body

“It is very rare that one comes across a teacher or a book that is ‘changing the game.’ Marc Gafni’s teaching on the Unique Self is ‘changing the game.’

My friend, Dr. Marc Gafni, is such a teacher. He is a rare combination of brilliance, depth, and heart.

Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber

Author of A Brief History of Everything

“DR. MARC GAFNI’S INTEGRAL UNIQUE SELF TEACHING IS SEMINAL. What you hold in your hands is a radically exciting and groundbreaking book that will change forever not only how you think about enlightenment, but how you understand, from a post-metaphysical perspective, the very nature of human life itself. The Unique Self work is magnificent, and it belongs among the ‘great books.’ It offers what may arguably be one of the most significant contemporary evolutions of enlightenment teaching. Unique Self brings together East and West in a higher integral embrace of stunning implications. Unique Self is a pivotal step toward an authentic Enlightenment. First published in his academic articles on ‘The Evolutionary Emergent of Unique Self, A New Chapter in Integral theory’, (JITP 6:1) the teaching of Unique Self Enlightenment appears for first time, fully articulated, in this classic volume.”

Andrew Harvey

Author of The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism:

“Your Unique Self is one of the most brilliant, provocative, and original books of the new century. Dr. Marc Gafni has fused together the deepest insights of the Eastern and Western mystery traditions to provide an evolutionary road map for the great birth that is arising in and through our contemporary world crisis. This is indispensible reading for all lovers of Integral Spirituality and universal mysticism. The vision of the Unique Self is absolutely essential for the next step of evolution, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

Andrew Cohen

Andrew Cohen

Founder of EnlightenNext, author of Evolutionary Enlightenment

“Marc Gafni’s brilliant intellect and spiritual passion make him a force to be reckoned with. His deep knowledge and advocacy of Abrahamic mysticism, coupled with his inspired vision of a World Spirituality, offer a unique and significant contribution to the evolution of our understanding of God, religion, and Spirit in the 21st century.”

John Mackey

John Mackey

CEO of Whole Foods and Chair of Center for World Spirituality

“Dr. Marc Gafni has written a brilliant book, Your Unique Self, which I believe is essential reading. “Your Unique Self” articulates a bold evolutionary, spiritual, philosophy that calls every individual to realize their Unique Self and give their Unique Gifts in an evolutionary context. Gafni, together with his colleague Ken Wilber, is a bold visionary and a catalytic voice for the newly emergent World Spirituality movement, which combines the best of pre-modern, modern, and post-modern insight. I highly recommend this book.”

Richard Barrett

Richard Barrett

Chairman and Founder of the Barrett Values Centre, Author of The New Leadership Paradigm and Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations

“Gafni’s work on Unique Self is utterly essential reading for everyone who wants to step into the fullness of their being.”

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Michael Bernard Beckwit

Author of Spiritual Liberation ~ Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential

“With exceptional brilliance and an awakened heart, Dr. Marc Gafni speaks to all of us who are interested in the evolution of consciousness. His teachings on the Unique Self enlightenment are essential for the next stage in our evolution. They have emerged from his direct experience, and I highly recommend them.”

Coleman Barks

Coleman Barks

Author of Rumi: The Big Red Book

“Marc, a fellow drinker at the holy taverns has written a fine, fine book. Kabbalists say a Day of Tikkun (evolution, soul-repair) is coming. There are great stories here from the Hasidic masters and from Marc’s own life, honoring the unique soulmaking that has brought you to this moment. This book will deepen that astonishing mystery and awaken you to the individual beauty of your path.”

Kristen Ulmer

Kristen Ulmer

World-renowned Top Ranked Professional Extreme Skier and Sports Coach

“I’ve never met anyone so talented at what he does and passionate for his work as Marc Gafni. He is simply spellbinding. He awakens people’s grasp the ungraspable better than any spiritual teacher I’ve ever known. He is a true artist. A creative genius. To not experience his transmission as a teacher in this lifetime, whether in person or through his writings, would be a tragedy.”

Paul Taylor

Paul Taylor

CEO, Global Citizen Consulting; Former Global VP – The Coca-Cola Company

“Marc Gafni’s Your Unique Self is the great invitation to live a meaningful life that we have all been waiting for. This book is especially for anyone who has ever wondered if they have a unique calling or purpose in life. The answer is YES and you are well on your way to learn how to live a life of infinite creativity, passion, and possibility. The next step of the journey is to read this brilliant guide to discover WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE here to uniquely experience, express, and expand on behalf of the whole.”



American author, speaker, and spiritual teacher in the lineage of Poonjaji

“Dr. Marc Gafni’s writing eloquently demonstrates the essentially mental—and futile—conclusion that there ever could be separation between “I” (oneself, me) and “Presence” (no-I, unity). Both “I” and “unity” are radiant refractions of the infinite mystery of beingness conscious of itself. I salute and support his expression and recognition of the uniqueness of each in all.”

Dave Logan

Dave Logan, Ph.D.

New York Times bestselling author of Tribal Leadership and former Associate Dean of USC Marshall School of Business

“Your Unique Self is a great read. As is obvious from even flipping through its pages, Dr. Marc Gafni not only understands the material, but has lived it. The book is both thorough and fun, and will provoke deep thoughts. I meant to scan it on vacation and ended up reading it cover to cover in one sitting. It’s a book that is worth many readings. It will both fascinate you in its insights and annoy you that you haven’t read this book until now.”

John Gray

John Gray

Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

“Dr. Marc Gafni’s teaching on the Unique Self radically evolves the way we understanding and realize enlightenment. He is a great teacher of both heart and mind . His depth, practicality, and heartfelt charisma will change your life.”

Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton

Author of Meditation for the Love of It

“Your Unique Self could only have been written by someone who passionately lives his own uniqueness. Marc Gafni is a brilliant teacher and heart master with a rare capacity for empathy and a gift for creating community. This book contains the essence of his teaching on what it means to live from an enlightened life from a ground of one’s own personal uniqueness. A truly ground-shifting book, it offers a perspective on personal transformation that integrates insights of traditional and post-modern wisdom. Reading it can change your understanding not only of your own path, but of what it means to live a life of inner contemplation and transformative service in the world. This is a book that deserves to become a classic.”

Harville Hendrix

Harville Hendrix, Ph.D.

Author of Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples

“This is a coherent, comprehensive and amazing book from an amazing mind on a challenging topic. Using the concept of the “Unique Self” as the essential reality behind all forms of the self, the author succeeds in integrating not only the historical East-West polarities regarding the nature of the self, the variables of spiritual practice and the meaning of enlightenment but also the antinomies between psychotherapy and the spiritual traditions. His redefinition, extension and integration of the core meanings of healing, wholeness and the self will expand the consciousness of all readers. I compliment the author’s intellectual and spiritual achievement and recommend it to all travelers on the journey to enlightenment.”

Warren Farrell

Warren Farrell, Ph.D.

Author of Why Men Are the Way They Are and The Myth of Male Power

“No one book has inspired me to cherish myself, respect others, and have hope for both this country and this world more fully than Your Unique Self. With insights as sharp as a knife and words that hone its blade, Rabbi Gafni hold before us the mirror of our unique selves and the molecular, spiritual, internal and external paths we might explore to enhance that uniqueness. An extraordinary future classic. Your Unique Self gives my unique self shivers.”

Lama Surya Das

Lama Surya Das

Author of Awakening the Buddha Within: Tibetan Wisdom for the Western World and founder of the Dzogchen Meditation Centers

“Marc Gafni’s overflowing heart and transmission of the Unique Self teaching profoundly moves me. Dr. Marc holds the lineage energy of the great Hasidic masters of Kabbalah, which he brings with him into the visionary initiative of Center for World Spirituality. There is little doubt in my mind that Your Unique Self: The Future of Enlightenment will become one of the classic texts that forms the World Spirit vision that our world needs so deeply. This is a book and a teacher that we all very much need.”

Diane Hamilton

Diane Musho Hamiltion

Zen Teacher and Master Facilitator

“Dr. Marc Gafni’s teaching on Unique Self is simply awesome.”

Eli Jaxon-Bear

Eli Jaxon-Bear

Author and spiritual teacher

“My dear brother and Rebbe, Marc Gafni has written a love letter from his heart to ours. I have experienced myself his heart transmission of the Hasidic Master, the Baal Shem Tov and know of its profound power and authenticity. Truly the best way to characterize Marc is as a Hasidic sage who has moved beyond the confines of one tradition, dancing among us, weaving the strands of a World Spirituality. Like the Hasidic Rebbes of old, Gafni merges ecstatic brilliance with an awakened heart and a deep caring for every individual being. He takes us back through the layers of illusion to enlightenment and then to the unique manifestation of that realization through each one of us. Unique Self is an invitation to live a truly authentic life as love in each of our unique forms. For many people, this book will be the portal to awakening.”

Wyatt Woodsmall

Dr. Wyatt Woodsmall

Author of The Future of Learning and People Pattern Power

“Dr. Marc Gafni’s Your Unique Self presents a new ‘universal spirituality for the 21st century’. It is a true synthesis of the enlightenment teachings of both East and West. It appeals to both the head and the heart and is highly practical. It is a must read for all spiritual seekers.”

David Loye

David Loye

Preeminent Evolutionary Theorist

“I must agree wholeheartedly with your astute analysis and presentation in Your Unique Self. Gafni is definitely getting at something vital to get across about the power of love, which all of a sudden accounts for the vital personal level for evolution, which then cumulatively shoves us ahead rather than checks us in place or drives us backward. Fascinating and liberating!”

Rabbi Avram Davis

Rabbi Avram Davis, Ph.D.

Author The Way Of Flame

“One of the great problems with so much of modern ‘new age spirituality’ is that it lacks depth. Dr. Gafni, in his new book Your Unique Self, has written a emotionally moving and intellectually stimulating book that moves the reader to ponder deeply many of the very core elements of their faith and practice. HIs discussion of enlightenment within a modern context is worth the price of the book alone! I heartily recommend this book to all serious pilgrims on the religious or spiritual road.”

Michael E. Zimmerman

Michael E. Zimmerman

“Drawing on his vast knowledge of Jewish mysticism, which he leavens with insights from many other spiritual traditions, Marc Gafni has provided readers with a comprehensive and compassionate understanding of what makes each of us unique, namely, the “I” that is in fact a particular manifestation of Divinity. Grounded as it is in decades of research and first-person spiritual and psychological exploration, Gafni’s book makes an enormous contribution to contemporary understanding of what is possible for human beings.”

Arjuna Ardagh

Arjuna Ardagh

Author of Awakening into Oneness and Leap Before Your Look

“Dr. Marc Gafni is simply one of the great brilliant overflowing heart minds of the generation. I heard his teaching on Unique Self at the first Integral Spiritual Experience and it blew my mind and melted my heart. This book is amust read. For anyone who wants to fulfill their purpose on this earth, Marc is one of the great new voices in the Translucent Revolution.”

Richard Carlson

Richard Carlson

Author of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

“Marc Gafni is an important and exciting new spiritual guide. With humility, genuine warmth, and enormous power, Gafni merges ancient wisdom with his profound insights to lead us back to ourselves.”

Barbara De Angelis

Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D.

Author of Real Moments

“Marc Gafni’s wisdom and insight moved my heart and inspired my mind. This new teacher of spirit … is sure to become an important voice in helping to chart our soul paths in the new millennium.”

Don Beck

Don Beck

Developmental Theorist, Author, Spiral Dynamics

“Your Unique Self is picking up on this new emerging sense of self which emerges at the second tier of consciousness. It’s very powerful, this teaching of Unique Self because it has to escape a very heavy communal pressures of the “we” who suggests that after spiritual practice you realize that there is no essential individuality at all. Well that’s not true. Thank God, for this Unique Self teaching; that’s where creativity is. In your genius you’ve hit upon what the very unique properties are of this seventh station understanding of self. It’s just in the nick of time my friend. Thank you very much for it.”

Michael Pergola

Rev. Michael Pergola, MA, MBA, JD.

Co-Founder and Executive Director of One Spirit Learning Alliance

“Dr. Marc Gafni’s latest book offers a profound and vital insight on the nature of spiritual growth. This understanding is essential for both our personal awakening, and our capacity to transform our relationship with the planet. By clarifying that the traditional notion of spiritual awakening (letting go of our sense of separateness), is only one aspect of spiritual development, Marc frees us to understand the vital next step for 21st century spirituality. The other pole of the equation is the evolution of our “unique self”, the particular gifts that each of us has to offer to the world. Developing those gifts and bringing them forward in a way that simultaneously honors our interconnection is the essential step towards an embodies spirituality that can be embraced by the entire human family.”

David Steindl-Rast

Brother David Steindl-Rast

Benedictine monk and author of books including The Spirit of Practice

“At this historic moment, our human mind is passing the border towards a new consciousness. Marc Gafni is far enough ahead of most of us to articulate insights he gained beyond that borderline. Yet, like all great teachers, the author becomes transparent. Here is an invitation and a great opportunity to listen — not to Marc Gafni, but to Your Unique Self. Thus this book becomes an indispensible travel guide into the realm of a vast new consciousness.”

Cynthia Bourgeault

Cynthia Bourgeault

Christian Theologian, author of Mary Magadalene

“Your Unique Self has a core idea of considerable importance that could change the way spiritual transformation is understood and inaugurate a whole new level in the InterSpiritual dialogue.”

Anodea Judith

Anodea Judith, Ph.D.

Author of Waking the Global Heart, Eastern Body-Western Mind, and Chakra Balancing

“Spiritual traditions have long denied the importance of our unique self, but Gafni brings out in living color, how this aspect of the divine is necessary for evolution to occur. Even more, it’s necessary for love to occur, with love as the evolutionary force that pulls us into the kosmic co-creation of our future. An important contribution to the evolutionary conversation — one we can’t do without.”

Sharon Gannon

Sharon Gannon

Founder of the Jivamukti Yoga Method

“Marc’s Gafni’s spiritual democracy is the evolutionary unfolding of love and intelligence in our era. This book is dangerous because it contains ideas, if put into practice could bridge the long-time dichotomy between western and eastern spirituality and provide a revolutionary method to transcend your ego binding separateness while still retaining your specialness—is a radical willingness to be your unique self. Your Unique Self is dangerous for a second reason as well: Not only is this volume way brilliant, it breaks through your head and opens your heart. In the age of the ruling elites, be they spiritual or political is over—the future of our world depends on your enlightenment. For all of our sake, please read on…… ”

Dustin DiPerna

Dustin DiPerna

Author of Integral Religious Studies Volume 2: The Heart of Conscious Evolution

“Your Unique Self marks a beautiful integration of Eastern and Western perspectives on what it means to be fully human. In Gafni’s Unique Self teaching, through our own relentless practice, each of us has the opportunity to stabilize our awareness beyond the confines of separateness. Anchored in this deeper vantage point and with a heart overflowing with a commitment to both service and evolution, the realization of wholeness has no choice but to shine through the fractilazation of its uniqueness. Gafni’s teaching of Unique Self provides one of the vital keys needed to unlock a World Spirituality based on Integral Principles.”

Stuart Davis

Stuart Davis

Song writer, rock star

“If you’re reading this, there’s a 100% chance this unforgettable book is for YOU. Your Unique Self is unequivocally one of the most brilliant and sorely needed treasures of our time. In an age of small self hijacking soul, of ego masquerading as God, this stunning new work ushers in a genuine miracle; the big Self that is uniquely YOU.”

Gershon Winkler

Gershon Winkler

Scholar in Jewish law and religion

“In this brilliant and spiritually expansive book, Marc Gafni has transcended previous interpretations of the mystical texts upon which Unique Self is based, through his intense study and interaction with this material, which led him to imbibe the material at the level of ruah ha-kodesh, the holy Spirit. It is Rabbi Gafni’s insights on this level—that let us understand this work as a detailed map of the process of liberation in the Hebrew mystical path.

A great and luminous work has come before my eyes, a vast and deep sea of illuminating wisdom embodied in clear and accessible writ. Rabbi Marc Gafni did step daringly into the void created by the dearth of enlivening and invigorating teachings of our tradition, and blessed us with this brilliant beyond measure and transformative work. This work is a true masterpiece of the sort our people have not witnessed for many centuries.

Rabbi Gafni introduces us her to the great lineage from which he drinks and which inspired him to bring the great teaching of Unique Self into the world of world spirituality. We see the lineage of Unique Self rooted grandly in the hidden teahings of Mordehcai Lainer which Mordechai Gafni, reveals, shares a broadens, deepens and evolves from the matrix of his own profound enlightened consciousness.”

Rand Stagen

Rand Stagen

Managing Director of Stagen

“So often in our firm’s work, we see a pattern where high achieving CEOs struggle to reconcile the transcendence of their spiritual life with the practicalities of their organizational work. Dr. Gafni’s enlightened point of view offers leaders a highly accessible framework for expressing their Unique Selves through their organizations. This book is truly groundbreaking and should be in the hands of all aspiring conscious leaders.”

Thomas G. Goddard

Thomas G. Goddard, J.D., Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer of Integral Healthcare Solutions

“My first reaction, upon reading the Table of Contents for Unique Self was a realization that my entire core conversation — inner and outer — about God, Self, Life, and spiritual practice was about to change in profound ways. What I could not anticipate from those initial pages is the astonishing breadth and depth of this profound work of love. In a single work, Dr. Gafni has painted a portrait of the emerging face of consciousness, using as his paint the worlds of spiritual traditions, psychology, physics, and biology. He articulates, as nobody has done before, a sweeping notion of enlightenment that honors, simultaneously, the Great Unity and the Great Uniqueness that is the human experience. While the entire book is a treasure chest of deep wisdom, I feel confident in saying Dr. Gafni’s treatment of ‘Shadow’ will change the way humanity thinks about shadow integration from now on. I’ll no doubt be reading this book many times, as a textbook for living, loving, and being.

Bruce Lyon

Bruce Lyon

Tantric teacher

“This book contains a profound healing and integration of east and west enlightenment paradigms. The individual self is not only transcended but crucially resurrected as a point of unique fire in the universal life we all share. Marc ‘s articulation of this core realization as the heart of an emergent and synthetic world spirituality is nothing less than utterly essential.”

Barbara Alexander

Barbara Alexander, M.A., M.Div.

Spiritual director, teacher, and coach

“Marc’s development and articulation of the Unique Self teaching lays down the most original and important statement that we have of a genuine of an integral evolutionary enlightenment. Unique Self, with stunning clarity and power merges in higher integral embrace the best of pre modern modern and post modern gnosis. This exciting new chapter in Integral Theory is simply invaluable.

Sam Alexander

Sam Alexander

Presybeterian Minister

“In response to a culture wandering and aimless, Dr. Gafni has produced nothing less than a context of meaning that can draw us into the heart of Spirit’s next creative move.”

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Ph.D.

Co-author of Integral Ecology and editor of Integral Theory in Action

“Your Unique Self represents a truly planetcentric mysticism that provides a powerful way of integrating the enlightenment traditions of the pre-modernEast and the modern West. It has been easy for spiritual traditions to embrace profound states of Kosmoscentric consciousness, but they have often neglected to include the developmental capacities to take perspectives thereby falling short of an emancipatory worldcentric articulation. Marc Gafni’s teachings on Unique Self provide the first sophisticated and matureexpression of this “unique” integral position. Your Unique Self ushers in an exciting new chapter in Integral Theory  building on the most widely applied meta-framework on the planet and extending it into new contexts of embodied enlightenment.

Fr. David McCallum

Fr. David McCallum, S.J.

Retreat guide, educator, and spiritual director

“While the biographies of saints and mystics over the ages and across traditions attest to universal patterns in the inner life, they also express the beautiful particularity of each soul’s relationship to God. Marc Gafni presses us to look beyond the lives of the saints to the way that each of us is not only called to similarly deep intimacy with God, but also to manifest God’s presence in the world through our Unique Self. This is an impressive and poetic integration of insights from multiple faiths, developmental psychology, and Marc’s own unique journey.”

John Friend

John Friend

Founder of Sridaiva Yoga

“I predict that history will note Your Unique Self as being a seminal work in helping to accelerate the evolution of the consciousness of the planet in the 21st century. In a truly momentous book of integrated philosophy by Marc Gafni, the Tantric view that we are in essence unique reflections of the Supreme Self is presented in an unprecedented way. For the masses to make an inspired personal choice to glorify the Universal as singularly diverse individuals will be the legacy of this great book.

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt

CEO, Integral Coaching Canada Inc.

“The profound teachings in this book do not only bring together East and West in a way that both are honored, but also transmit a whole system for evolving our Unique Selves. It is rare to find a spiritual developmental evolutionary map that holds together from multiple vantage points, all the way up, all the way down. This is one of those works! In Your Unique Self you will find profound gems polished over a lifetime of study elegantly expressing the ineffable. I highly recommend it!”

Todd Goldfarb

Todd Goldfarb

Publisher of World Wide Tipping Point

“Marc Gafni’s concept of ‘Unique Self’ is extraordinary. His deep inquiry into how every person on this planet has at their fingertips the ability to have a unique ‘enlightenment’ experience is not only revolutionary, it is also highly practical. This book is a transmission from a loving and compassionate teacher whose intentions are nothing more than helping people live to their highest and fullest potential. Is it possible to attain enlightenment without having to sit in a cave for 30 years in deep meditation? Marc Gafni says YES, and that having an ‘enlightenment’ experience is not only possible for every single person on this Planet, it is also unique and personal for each one of us. This book will meet you wherever you might be in your life, and provides you with incredible transmissions of wisdom, understanding and compassion. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in becoming the best person they can be.

Clint Fuhs

Clint Fuhs

Founder, Core Integral and Chairman, Integral Institute

“Your Unique Self stands forth as a masterwork of our times. Its message is vibrant and accessible—an altogether stunning articulation of what it is to live as a spiritual being who’s irreducibly and inseparably a synthesis of transcendence and immanence, perspective and presence, fullness and freedom. Dr. Marc Gafni, from my perspective, is simply one of the few—if not the only teacher—who’s ceaselessly strived to ground his work deeply in the Integral Approach, while simultaneously innovating it in service of one of the most significant and robust spiritual visions I’ve ever encountered.”

Steve McIntosh

Steve McIntosh

Author of Evolution’s Purpose and Integral Consciousness

“Packed full of important spiritual truths, Your Unique Self integrates and honors a wide variety of religious paths while simultaneously taking on many of the errors and shortcomings of contemporary progressive spirituality. Dr. Marc Gafni’s writing is passionate, accessible, learned, and deeply committed to what he terms “trance-endence.” And I am especially grateful for Gafni’s emphasis on the importance of the personal aspect of spirit and his distinction between separateness and uniqueness. Your Unique Self is an excellent contribution to the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality.

Eben Pagan

Eben Pagan

Entrepreneur and consultant

“If you’ve bumped up against the paradox of experiencing your life daily as a unique individual, yet continually hearing from spiritual circles that “we’re all one” (and knowing that there’s something to that idea, too), then read Marc Gafni’s awesome book Your Unique Self. Marc resolves the paradox beautifully, and, in the process, helps connect each of us to our unique gifts and opportunities in the world.”

Lori Galperin

Lori Galperin

Accomplished leader and author in fields of marital and sexual dysfunction

“The malady that afflicts us as a species is both prevalent and insidious. Mutating to avoid detection, it masquerades as friend. It comes bearing gifts, seducing with offers to “help us be all we can.” Giving with one hand, it takes with the other. Inevitably, we are emptied out. Shame exists where once dwelled joy. Objectification replaces sacred seeing. Celebration becomes constriction, and embodiment, estrangement. The good news is: there has always been a cure to this anti-love, anti-life malignancy. It is the delivery system that has been inadequate. At last – a safe, precise and potent infusion – Unique Self! Not so much a book, as an antidote, Unique Self stands with spiritual teacher, scholar and master, Marc Gafni’s Soulprints and Mystery of Love as a trilogy of love and healing for humanity. Read and be restored.

Richard C Schwartz

Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Clinical psychologist and author of Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods

“I am usually stingy with superlatives because their meaning has been so diluted by overuse, but I cannot control myself regarding this book — it is truly brilliant. If offers an engaging and erudite corrective to tendency in the spiritual community to disdain personal uniqueness and worship transcendental oneness; the striving to rise and remain above the ego and the material world. Instead, Gafni says go ahead and transcend but then reclaim your uniqueness no the other side of transcendence and bring your unique enlightened consciousness back to this world with you, and use your unique gifts to change it for the better. It would be entirely accurate to say that Internal Family Systems and Unique Self are overlapping models which recognize each others insights while each excels in its own domain. The integration of these two models fosters a creative synthesis that is nothing short of revolutionary in its implications for healing and transformation.”

Joe Perez

Joe Perez

Author of Soulfully Gay

“Marc Gafni’s book gives us an essential guide for embracing all of who we are, warts and all, and for coming out of the closet of our self selves into our fullest and highest Unique Self. It maps an Integral spiritual path urgently needed today by anyone struggling with self-acceptance, for it is a powerful call to love every part of the self that has until now escaped the generous embrace of Love. Moreover, it does this in an intellectually rigorous and original fashion that stands out as unique among contemporary spirituality authors, establishing in the process a foundational piece of an intellectual framework capable of bringing about a revolution in our understanding of what it means to be integrally, fully human.

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