Unique Self Institute

Programs and courses

The Unique Self Coaching process, and its signature program “Unique Self Emergence” created by Barbara Alexander and Claire Molinard, is a powerful change technology that taps into the deepest aspects of your life to reveal your unique potential and facilitate its emergence as your Unique Self.

Unique Self Coaching offers a dynamic and modular curriculum that can be adapted to individuals and groups in a wide range of contexts. Because the process facilitates getting to the heart of who you are – an irreducible expression of the Love Intelligence that animates all of existence – and how the creative impulse of this Source wants to express through you, it has many applications.

Unique Self Emergence Coach Training Program

This program has two tracks:

Certification track

This track is for change agents who, in addition to undergoing their own process of transformation, want to learn how to apply the Unique Self emergence Process to their already existing work with people. This certification program trains them to utilize the process with individuals and groups in a variety of contexts. 

Personal track

This track is for anyone who wishes to experience the Unique Self Emergence Process for their own benefit, without supervision or 1:1 Coaching. You will have access to all the group coaching and teaching calls, as well as all the online content. This track does not lead to Unique Self Coaching certification.  


Both tracks include:

Training Videos and Audios on your Learning Platform

Each week we post new videos and audios providing  the theoretical framework, including the Unique Self Teachings,  Theory U, Integral Theory, Enneagram, & Neuroscience. 

Monthly mentoring & group coaching Zoom calls

For a total of 18 hours of mentoring in the theoretical framework,  and how to use these tools in coaching. 

Fieldwork between the Zoom calls that include reading, writing assignments, and practices

This work is significant. You can expect several hours a week, but no busy work, only assignments essential to the formative process.

Participation in an online Unique Self Emergence Learning Community

Each cohort has its own private platform (away from the noise of mainstream social media) where assignments are posted and members can stay in contact and support each other.

In addition to the Personal Track, the Certification Track includes:

Individualized coaching to facilitate your own Unique Self emergence

Thirteen 75-minute private coaching calls as well as online access to your faculty coach when you have questions or need support.

Supervision as you work with two volunteer clients to learn the Unique Self Emergence Process

Once you begin to work with your volunteer clients, the coaching calls will also include a time for supervision designed to facilitate you in utilizing the USE Process with others.

Who Should Attend

Certification Track

Coaches, Therapists, Spiritual Directors and Consultants: this program is for you, and for all change agents whose own journey leads them to desire to play a role in the spiritual development of their clients—one that is grounded in sound psychological and spiritual principles.

The principles and framework of Unique Self Emergence can be integrated into a variety of modalities. Students have utilised the framework in the context of therapy, leadership development, coaching, and spiritual direction. The modular nature of the framework enables you to integrate it into your work in whatever way you feel called.

Upon completion, you will join a growing community of Unique Self Emergence Coaches who are finding remarkable ways to support each other as they use the process in a broad array of settings.

Personal Track

Anyone who seeks to be deeply immersed in the Unique Self coaching process while also receiving the unique holding and benefits of a group container. This track does not lead to certification in Unique Self Emergence Coaching. There is however, the option to add private coaching sessions with one of our coaches, in addition to the group calls. 

Program Highlights



Embody the Unique Self Emergence Process

One of the Unique Self Emergence Collective’s core faculty will guide you through the Unique Self Emergence Process four modules, designed to facilitate Unique Self emergence. For participants of the Facilitator track,  as you begin to work with your volunteer clients, you’ll always be a few steps ahead of your clients, and you will be coached personally through your own process while accompanying your clients through theirs.

Understand the Unique Self Emergence Process

Through lectures, exercises, and resource materials you will learn the theoretical framework behind each aspect of the emergence process including the Unique Self Teachings, Theory U, foundational and advanced Integral Theory, Enneagram, neuroscience, and an integrally informed client assessment process.

Guide the Process by Leading Others (only for the Certification Track)

Working with two volunteer clients, you will learn to facilitate the complete process and integrate it into your practice while being supervised by your faculty coach. Upon successful completion of the program, you will earn certification as a Unique Self Facilitator.

 NEW cohort of coaches to become certified in Unique Self Coaching, starting October 2024!



Graduate Testimonials

At the end of the twelve-month training you’ll be able to:

  • Utilize a developmental process that offers a practical map for psycho-spiritual growth that gives access to a vibrant, alive sense of being, and a way to actively engage a life of meaning and purpose.

In addition, graduates of the  Certification Track will be able to:

  • Effectively assist individuals by modeling the process through their own development. 
  • Customize the process to fit the needs of your clients.
  • Utilize the process in ways we have not yet imagined.

Both Programs includes:

  • 12 monthly Mentoring & Coaching group calls.  *** All calls are on Zoom and take place on the second Saturday of the month, from 9 – 11 am PT/ 12 – 2 pm ET, starting on October 12 2024. 
  • Participation in the online Unique Self Emergence Collective learning community.
  • All the Unique Self Emergence materials and practices downloadable as PDFs. 

The Certification Track includes in addition:

  • 13 x 75 minutes Individual coaching and supervision as you work with volunteer clients . *** These calls will be schedule with your coach. 
  • All learning materials and practices, with a license to use all materials with clients (may not be shared with individuals other than clients).
  • Once certified, inclusion on the Unique Self Emergence Coaches Network.

2 days Intro Workshop

This workshop introduces the Unique Self Emergence Process through practices that are immediately applicable in your life. You will leave this intensive with a clear map to guide your own Unique Self emergence, one you can work with immediately. By engaging in a series of core practices, participants gain an embodied experience of the three states of consciousness that characterize the journey from Separate Self to Unique Self.

In this two-day workshop you will:

  • learn the basic principles of the Unique Self Teachings.
  • Be initiated to a series of core Integral practices that activate the Unique Self-emergence process.
  • Leave with a clear and applicable map for the journey from Separate Self, to Unique Self consciousness

For Whom: 

For the general public, and for Change Agents (coaches, therapists, consultants, spiritual directors & clergy) who are interested in applying for the Nine-month Transformational program.

Contact us to learn more about this workshop

Unique Self Institute

The discovery of who you really are and why you are here unfolds in a trajectory of development we call: Wake Up, Grow Up, Clean Up and Show Up. These four modules map the totality of the human journey.