Unique Self Institute

The Five Great Awakenings

Your Unique Self is an expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligenceLoveBeauty and LoveDesire that is the interior face of the Kosmos. We call that dimension of Reality, the field, the seamless coat of the Universe or True Self. Knowing your larger identity is the great work of enlightenment. To realize your enlightenment is simply to realize that you are quite literally inseparable from the seamless coat of the Universe. This realization is the true purpose and wondrous joy of every human life journey. 

There are many disagreements about the nature of the liberation or fulfillment available to humanity, but there are significant commonalities that can form the basis of an Integral view.  Dr. Gafni’s account of the stages of development concentrates on five levels of expanding identity and consciousness. He calls these levels “awakenings,” based on the understanding revealed by pre-modern, modern, and post-modern traditions alike, that human beings are asleep and need to wake up:

  1. Ego Awakening: Pre-personal to Personal Awakened Self
  2. The Awakening to the Unity Principle
  3. Awakening from Separate Self to True Self
  4. Awakening from True Self to Your Unique Self
  5. Evolutionary Unique Self Awakening

In this excerpt from Your Unique Self, Dr. Marc Gafni gives an account of five levels of expanding identity and consciousness. He calls these levels “awakenings,” based on the understanding revealed by pre-modern, modern, and post-modern traditions alike, that human beings are asleep and need to wake up.


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