Unique Self Institute

The Field

Jan 28, 2025

by Claire Molinard

 Where Aliveness Meets Heartbreak

Deep within each of us lies a sacred space—a field—where the light of our unique essence resides. This is the place, as Frederick Buechner once said, “where your greatest joy meets the world’s greatest need.” This field is not separate from the rhythms of everyday life; it is where we touch the world most profoundly with our joy—our aliveness. And it is also where the world leaves its deepest mark on us, cracking our hearts open in ways that transform us.

The Power of Aliveness

Think of a moment in your life when you felt completely alive. Maybe it was a fleeting instant of connection, a bold leap into the unknown, or a quiet, profound realisation. In that moment, you knew you were exactly where you needed to be. Your body was awake, your heart open, your mind clear.

These moments are not random. They are clues to something deeper within you. They carry a unique energy that reveals something essential about who you are. When you feel fully alive, offering your gifts to what is needed, you are in alignment with your deepest truth. Your aliveness is not just for you—it’s a signal, a gift to the world. This expression of your unique light is the medicine only you can give.

The Gift of Heartbreak

Heartbreak is deeply personal. It is shaped by your story, your cares, and the things that call to you. What breaks your heart again and again? Is it the sight of injustice, the loneliness in someone’s eyes, or the quiet devastation of losing something precious?

These heartbreaks are not random either. They reflect your unique resonance with the world’s pain. The places where your heart breaks are the places where your light is most needed. The cracks in your heart are not weaknesses; they are openings—places where the light gets in, and where your light can shine out.

Your Unique Gift

At the intersection of your aliveness and your heartbreak lies your unique gift. This is the medicine only you can offer to the world. It lives in the moments when you feel most awake and in the places where your heart is most tender.

Your gift is not about fixing everything or carrying the weight of the world. It’s about showing up where your light and the world’s need meet. It’s about being present, alive, and willing to offer what only you can.

As Marc Gafni says: “Your Unique Self is the essence of your individuality, the part of you that has a unique perspective and a unique gift to offer—a tikkun, a specific healing that only you can bring to the world.”

This is your unique tikkun—the healing that emerges from your deepest joy and your tender heartbreak, offered to a world that needs your service.

A Call to Action

The world needs your unique medicine. It needs the gifts born of your aliveness and your heartbreak. This is not a burden but an invitation—to step into the field, to trust the wisdom of your moments of vibrancy and your tenderest cracks, and to let your light shine fully.

Take a moment to reflect:

  • What are the moments when you feel most alive?
  • What are the heartbreaks that call to you most deeply?
  • What gifts can you offer in your life right now?

We’d love to hear from you. Share what came up for you in this exploration. Send us a message or comment below and tell us about the magic field you’re discovering within yourself. Your light matters, and your story has the power to inspire others. Let us know—because the world is waiting for the unique gift only you can bring.