What Psychologists Are Saying
Accolades for Your Unique Self from leaders within the psychological and mental health treatment fields include…
Lori Galperin
Accomplished leader and author in fields of marital and sexual dysfunction:
“The malady that afflicts us as a species is both prevalent and insidious. Mutating to avoid detection, it masquerades as friend. It comes bearing gifts, seducing with offers to “help us be all we can.” Giving with one hand, it takes with the other. Inevitably, we are emptied out. Shame exists where once dwelled joy. Objectification replaces sacred seeing. Celebration becomes constriction, and embodiment, estrangement. The good news is: there has always been a cure to this anti-love, anti-life malignancy. It is the delivery system that has been inadequate. At last – a safe, precise and potent infusion – Unique Self! Not so much a book, as an antidote, Unique Self stands with spiritual teacher, scholar and master, Marc Gafni’s Soulprints and Mystery of Love as a trilogy of love and healing for humanity. Read and be restored.”
Dr. Mark Schwartz
Clinical Director, Thought Leader in the Fields of Eating Disorder, Trauma, Sexual Addiction, Clinical Director, Castlewood Treatment Centers:
“Unique Self is a truly important book which can potentially take the conversation between psychology and spirituality to the next level. The crossroads of so many psychotherapies is facilitating the differentiation of self, moving beyond the false self that fears the disappointment of others, and opening the full capacity of the human to be intimate. This book integrates in an original and important way Eastern and Western spirituality in a way that provide therapists and their clients with critical new tools and insights for the assault on self hatred that blocks integration internally and confidence and competence externally.’”
Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Clinical psychologist and author of Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods:
“I am usually stingy with superlatives because their meaning has been so diluted by overuse, but I cannot control myself regarding this book — it is truly brilliant. If offers an engaging and erudite corrective to tendency in the spiritual community to disdain personal uniqueness and worship transcendental oneness; the striving to rise and remain above the ego and the material world. Instead, Gafni says go ahead and transcend but then reclaim your uniqueness no the other side of transcendence and bring your unique enlightened consciousness back to this world with you, and use your unique gifts to change it for the better. It would be entirely accurate to say that Internal Family Systems and Unique Self are overlapping models which recognize each others insights while each excels in its own domain. The integration of these two models fosters a creative synthesis that is nothing short of revolutionary in its implications for healing and transformation.”